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Thermal Measurement Service

Thermal Measurement Service

Thermal Measurement and Reporting


Thermal imaging systems are systems that convert the radiation energy (0.2-20μm) emitted by objects in the infrared radiation band into electrical quantities, display them and analyze this image.

Problem areas are determined by taking measurements in areas where heating may occur. Uninterrupted operation of the facility is ensured by eliminating the problems in problematic areas. The root cause of the faults can be reached. Monitoring the change trends of warming by making regular measurements will increase the benefit obtained from these measurements and create a data pool.

In electrical systems where thermal imaging will be performed, the system must be operational, loaded with maximum capacity or at least 40% loaded. In measurements made with a thermal camera, the efficiency is directly proportional to how much the electrical system in the facility is loaded. Hundreds of measurements made in different facilities and the factors causing heating are summarized below.

  • Incorrectly selected conductor cross-sections during the establishment of the facility
  • Connections left loose during assembly
  • Cable etc. made without complying with the necessary rules. attachments
  • Connections that loosen due to vibration and similar reasons during operation
  • Corrosion in joints and joints
  • Asymmetrical loadings,


Detections that can be made with a thermal camera;


  • Detection of heated connections in switchgear
  • Connection control in power transmission lines
  • Heating detection at busbar connection points
  • Detection of overheating of loose connection points in panels
  • Heat leak detection in power plants and steam systems
  • Heating in transformer bushing connections
  • Temperature differences caused by asymmetrical loads
  • Insufficient section